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Monday, November 3, 2008

Banjarmasin oh Banjarmasin

Last week I went to Banjarmasin, a small city in South Kalimantan.
There is some kind of job
I had to do there.
I've ever went there two year before....and I got sick
my body temperature was so high that time...and i was alone. so sad...
And last week, I came back again
visiting Banjarmasin with my working partner.
I came a day earlier than my partner.
A bit confuse to find
a hotel...every hotel was fully booked.
Thanks to my friend in NEC Banja
rmasin, and his driver off course, who have a kind of heart driving me around to find a comfort and nice hotel
then I chose "Jelita Hotel" at A.Yani Street

which still have one more vacant room but only for one night ^^
that's okay...
quite nice hotel.... but I still can't sleep well because my experience backward in this city haunted me.
I feel so worried of being sick again
well...I do got sick
I got Diarhea ... !!
huff....i don't know why when I am going here I always got sick =(
Still thinking where will I stay for two more nights, Sandy told me to find a guest house Hanni Guest House and Eva Guest House.
I ask to the driver to accompany me there...
wow..!! the guest
house was nice and i decide to stay at Hanni House for the rest two days here is the room :

Nice room and beautiful garden, right..
with some wooden chairs and tables, some green plant and flowers

diujung sana, yang ada lampunya, ada semacam mini waterfall
malam hari mini waterfall ini dinyalain terus...jadi ga akan berasa sepi disini
harganya juga ga mahal banget...dengan fasilitas TV Cable, AC dan suasana yang nyaman, this guest house is comfy!!
ratenya antara 175.000 (IDR) sampai 400.000 (IDR)
seneng banget bisa nemuin tempat menginap seperti ini feels like home (",)

sayang ga bisa jalan-jalan keliling Banjarmasin saat itu
cuma mampir sebentar ke Martapura ...
beli sedikit pernak pernik khas Martapura

Travel's note (recommended guest house):
Hanni House

Jl A. Yani Km.6 Komplek Bun Yamin II Blok 3 No 1 RT.055

Banjarmasin 70248 Kalimantan Selatan
telp : 0511 - 3260056
Fax : 0511 - 3262021
email :


Vidy said...

kok bisa diare Ka?????

Eunice said...

ga tau vid...entah gara2 keracunan makanan ato gara2 ga betah karena disana sendiri n sepiii
sugesti n trauma... hehehehe

goresan pena said...

hehe, waduh, gawat juga yah...kalo' tiap kesana bawaannya, takut sakit. atau mungkin karena khawatir berlebih ya jenk?

tapi sekarang udah sehat kan?
semoga senantiasa sehat yah, biar bisa sharing your experiences to us...


Anatasia Noorsaputera said...

well, thanx juga udah berkunjung ke blogku ya...

Anyway, aku dlu pernah tinggal di banjarmasin. Kota kecil yang penuh dengan berbagai karakter orangnya...:D

Tapi aku baru tau ada guest house yang bagus disana hehehe...

Eunice said...

hi goresan pena : nama aslinya sapa yah? ^^ salam kenal
makasih udah berkunjung ke blog aku yah.

iya nih kayanya gara2 trauma makanya sakit mulu pas ksana...
tapi skrg udah sehat ko.makasieehh ^^

Eunice said...

to anastasia : oya?! dulu pernah tinggal disana? kapan yah? karena guest house itu baru dibangun sepertinya

Unknown said...

Tuh pict room hannie guest house yg apa sis,,,,suit,deluxe,classic or family ?

muserock said...

diriku asli banjarmasin . . . . . . . . . . anak backpacker juga . . . . . . . senang rasanya bila ada yg menyukai banjarmasin . . . . . lain kali klo kesini kasih kabar ya